  • 考纲对比
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  • 历年真题
  • 词典及公式



从学科内容来看,Basel Accords,Liquidity Risk Management, Investment Risk Management这三个部分考点要求完全没有变化。》》》戳:各科视频讲义+*+21年原版书(PDF版)免·费领取

Market Risk Management和Operational Risk Management做了小幅的修改,涉及修改的地方主要是描述性词汇的调整。

变化比较大的就是Credit Risk Management和Current Issue。其中Credit Risk Management一章的原版书参考发生变化,虽然内容比较类似,但是仍然需要根据zui新考纲进行学习。

Current Issue仍然结合热点来学习,去年的10篇文章中删除了9篇比较旧的文章,并新增加了和新冠疫情,数字货币,人工智能相关的zui新研究文章。

Market risk考点对比 :



Chapter 3. Estimating Market Risk Measures:

Define coherent risk measures. (2021)

Describe coherent risk measures. (2022)

Chapter 6. Backtesting VaR:

Define and identify Type I and Type II errors. (2021)扫码参与

Identify and describe Type I and Type II errors in the context of a backtesting process. (2022)

Chapter 11. VaR Mapping:

Explain how VaR can be used as a performance benchmark(2021)

Explain how VaR can be computed and used relative to a performance benchmark. (2022)

Chapter 20. Volatility Smiles:

Define volatility smile and volatility skew(2021)

Describe a volatility smile and volatility skew(2022)

Credit Risk考点变化:


1. 教材变化


Chapter 9. Counterparty risk and beyond


Chapter 11. Future value and exposure

2022年要求: Explain the general impact of aggregation on exposure, and the impact of aggregation on exposure when there is correlation between transaction values.

2021年要求: Explain the impact of netting on exposure, the benefit of correlation, and calculate the netting factor.

2. 原版书结构调整,实质知识点没变

2022年将21年旧考纲中的Reading 14 Credit and Debt value adjustment以及Reading 15 Wrong way risk合并,形成2022年的Reading 13 CVA。

3. 新增考纲要求

2022年Reading 17 an introduction to securitization新引入考纲要求

Determine the notional value of the net contract resulting from trade compression and identify the counterparty with the net contract.

Operational  risk:考点对比



Chapter 25: Operational resilience: Impact tolerance for important business services

• Describe an impact tolerance; explain best practices and potential benefits for establishing the impact tolerance for a business service.

• Provide examples of important business services and explain criteria that firms should use to determine their important business services.

• Explain tools and processes, including mapping and scenario testing, that financial institutions should use to improve their operational resilience and remain within their impact tolerance.FRM通 关备考礼包

• Describe the governance of an operational resilience policy, including the relationships between operational resilience and a firm’s risk appetite, impact tolerance, continuity planning, and outsourcing to third-party providers.


Chapter 26: Principles for Operational Resilience

• Define and describe operational resilience and explain essential elements of operational resilience.

• Explain recommended principles that banks should follow to implement an effective operational resilience approach.



Chapter 5: Banking Conduct and Culture


• Explain how a bank can structure performance incentives and make staff development decisions to encourage a strong corporate culture.

• Summarize expectations by different national regulators for banks’ conduct and culture.


• Assess the role of regulators in encouraging strong conduct and culture at banks, and provide examples of regulatory initiatives in this area.


Chapter 4: Implementing Robust Risk Appetite Frameworks to Strengthen Financial Institutions

• Explain the relationship between a firm’s RAF and its risk culture and between the RAF and a firm’s strategy and business planning process.

Current Issues考点变化

今年Current issues从去年的10篇文章减少到了今年的8篇文章。大部分内容都是新加入的。

今年7篇新的文章中,有2篇是和新冠疫情的大背景相关,2篇是和人工智能等新兴科技相关的,1篇气候变化,1篇参考利率,1篇数字货币。除数字化货币外,其它的文章都在过往有过讲解,这次是用新的视角重新解读。随着数字货币在全球的越来越流行,这一趋势引起了行业的重视,非 常与时俱进。


去年的10篇文章中,删除了9篇,只保留了Beyond LIBOR: a primer on the new benchmark rates。


1.  Machine Learning and AI for Risk Management

这篇文章讲解了Machine Learning 和 AI的区别,以及每个类别中使用的技术。Machine Learning 和 AI在信用风险、市场风险、操作风险和监管合规等领域的应用。zui后在风险管理中Machine Learning 和 AI的作用以及局限性和挑战。

2. Artificial Intelligence Risk & Governance


3. Covid-19 and cyber risk in the financial sector

这篇文章讲解了cyber risk的原因和实施网络攻击的方法。以及COVID-19 对网络威胁级别的影响。大流行期间金融部门如何受到cyber risk的威胁。cyber risk格局的变化以及减轻风险以稳定金融系统的方法。

4. Holistic Review of the March Market Turmoil

本章主要展示了2020 年 3 月 Covid-19 市场动荡期间发生的金融市场情况和大流行对金融市场的影响,及其这期间市场压力的原因。公共部门在 Covid-19 市场动荡期间恢复金融市场运作的政策反应,以及我们应该从中吸取的教训。

5.LIBOR transition Case studies for navigating conduct risks

本章讨论了对 LIBOR 过渡的监管预期以及这些预期如何帮助市场参与者管理过渡产生的行为风险。以及从卖方和买方的角度分析 LIBOR 过渡的风险。

6.Climate-related risk drivers and their transmission channels


7.The rise of digital money

