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Value at Risk (VaR):

VaR for a given confidence level occurs at the cutoff point that separates the tail losses from the

remaining distribution. Historical simulation approach: order return observations and find the observation that corresponds to the VaR loss level. Parametric estimation approach: assumes a

distribution for the underlying observations.

Expected Shortfall:

Provides an estimate of tail loss by averaging the VaRs for increasing confidence levels in the tail.

Weighted Historical Simulation Approaches:

•Age-weighted: adjusts the most recent (distant) observations to be more (less) heavily weighted.【资料下载】FRM一级思维导图PDF版

• Volatility-weighted: replaces historic returns with volatility-adjusted returns; actual procedure of estimating VaR is unchanged.

• Correlation-weighted: updates the variance-covariance matrix between assets in the portfolio.

•Filtered historical simulation: relies on bootstrapping of standardized returns based on volatility forecasts; able to capture conditional volatility, volatility clustering, and/or data asymmetry.
