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FRM考试:Bankers Trust主要包含的内容有哪些?

备考FRM考试中,你是不是遇到很多的FRM金融知识点需要掌握。面对那么多的知识考生可能会感觉疲乏,但是为了顺利通过考试又不得不认真学习。其实,只要掌握了适合自己的学习方法和网课,一切都不是问题。今天,为大家介绍一下Bankers Trust主要包含的内容!》》》戳:各科视频讲义+*+21年原版书(PDF版)免·费领取


P&G and Gibson Greetings want to reduce their funding cost, and turned to Banker’s Trust for assistance.

Bankers Trust (BT) proposed them to enter complex leveraged swaps to achieve lower funding costs.》》》想了解更多21年FRM备考技巧的点我咨询

The derivative strategy provided by Banker’s Trust were so complex that P&G and Gibson could not fully understand its values and risks. P&G and Gibson were told that the strategy were tailored to meet their special needs.


In 1994, the two companies sued Banker’s Trust because they suffered a huge losses.

In the phone conversations recorded by Banker’s Trust, Banker’s Trust ‘s employee boasted that how successfully they fooled P&G and Gibson with complex strategy and manipulated the price quotes.【资料下载】FRM一级思维导图PDF版

BT never quite recovered from the ensuing reputational damage and was eventually acquired by Deutsche Bank.
