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FRM考试Risk Budgeting的详细内容是什么?

掌握FRM考试的内容对于考生来说是很重要的,通过FRM知识点的学习,能够让考生对金融知识有一个更深透的了解。在FRM考试中,Risk Budgeting的详细内容是什么?

Risk Budgeting:>>>点击领取2021年FRM备考资料大礼包(戳我免·费领取)

Manager establishes a risk budget for the entire portfolio and then allocates risk to individual positions based on a predetermined fund risk level. The risk budgeting process differs from market value allocation since it involves the allocation of risk.

Budgeting risk across asset classes: selecting assets whose combined VaRs are less than the total allowed.

Bond Valuation Using Binomial Tree:

Using backward induction, the value of a bond at a given node in a binomial tree is the average of the present values of the two possible values from the next period. The appropriate discount rate is the forward rate associated with the node under analysis.

There are three basic steps to valuing an option on a fixed-income instrument using a binomial tree:

Step 1: Price the bond value at each node using the projected interest rates.

Step 2: Calculate the intrinsic value of the derivative at each node at maturity.

Step 3: Calculate the expected discounted value of the derivative at each node using the risk- neutral probabilities and work backward through the tree.扫码咨询




使用二叉树进行债券估值: 【资料下载】点击下载GARP官方FRM二级练习题



第 一步:使用预期利率为每个节点的债券价值定价。


