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Inventory库存的 substantive 实质性审查程序在ACCA课程中该怎么去理解?

很多学员觉得ACCA备考觉得难,不知道该怎么去复习,Inventory库存的 substantive 实质性审查程序在ACCA课程中该怎么去理解?今天小编来给大家进行分析。戳:各科必背定义+*中文解析+20年习题册(PDF版)


ACCA课程的内容,要求学员全面的去掌握才能够有好的理解。ACCA 知识点Inventory库存的 substantive 实质性审查程序是学员需要掌握的一个知识点的内容,也是考试的一个考点,只有充分理解课程的内容之后,学员才能够更好的去做题。

1、Select a sample of inventory from the inventory sheet and perform physical count. Confirm that items inspected: 前面库存盘点是公司行为,全部都要盘点,由公司职工盘点,公司内审人员监督;这里是审计员亲自抽样点数。During 时一起执行。

Quantities are correct & Are in good condition 审计员*数量正确,产品质量完好(E 存在性)

2、 For inventory held by third parties send confirmation to verify the inventory balance at the year end 发询证函:仓库是否代为持有某公司的货品?(E 存在性)

3、 For the sample of inventory physically count trace them to inventory sheet从现场数出的盘点单,追溯到公司库存清单。*已点货物在帐上的完整性(C 完整性)

4、 Perform a review of the average inventory days for the current year and compare to prior year inventory days. Discuss any significant variations with management.计算今年平均存货周转天数,跟去年比较,有重大波动,需要跟管理层讨论。(AP-RA) (V 估值性)

5、 Compare the gross margin for current year with prior year. Fluctuations in gross margin could be due to inventory valuation issues. Discuss significant variations in the margin with management.今年毛利润跟去年比较,有重大波动,需要跟管理层讨论。

原因:COS=OI+P-CI,CI 高估,COS 低估,利润高估。(V 估值性)


6、 Select a representative sample of goods in inventory at the year end, agree the cost per the records to a recent purchase invoice and ensure that the cost is correctly stated.从年底存货中选样本,将其价格与zui近的采购

订单比对,确认价格正确否存货估值=lower of HC & NRV(V 估值性)

7、 For a sample of manufactured items obtain cost sheets and confirm: 自产产品成本

– raw material costs to recent purchase invoices 原材料价格跟采购单一致

–labour costs to time sheets or wage records 人工成本跟工资记录出勤记录一致

–overheads allocated are of a production nature.制造成本分摊合理

(V 估值性)

8、 Review aged inventory reports and identify any slow moving goods, discuss with management why these items have not been written down.存货账龄报告,存放*=滞销,即卖不出去,需要重新估值。(V 估值性)

9、 Follow up any damaged/obsolete items noted by the auditor at the inventory counts attended, to ensure that the inventory records have been updated correctly.任何损坏/过期的产品,需要跟踪其价值是否合理估值,

该减值的已减值。(V 估值性)

10、Select a sample of year end goods and review post year end sales invoices to ascertain if NRV is above cost or if an adjustment is required.选择年底存货样本,跟期后发票比对,确认库存估值是否正确。标记的价格是否是可实现 NRV 的。(V 估值性)

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