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ACCA知识点Related parties是考试的重点吗?

报考ACCA考试的学员相信都了解了ACCA考试的内容,通过考试学员能够掌握财会、审计及管理等方面的知识。ACCA考试的知识点有很多,ACCA知识点Related parties是考试的重点吗?今天融跃小编来给大家分享。

Related parties是ACCA考试的内容,在往年的考试中也是有出现的。学习Related parties的内容,更好的是为了掌握到财会的知识。

Related parties中披露关联方交易,是为了确保财报的公允 transactions reflected in financial statements have been carried out on an arm's length basis, unless disclosed otherwise.



注意点:substance over legal form 挖掘背后的关系!

1) 关联方:

a) A person or a close member of that person’s family is related to a reporting entity if that person

i. control or joint control

ii. significant influence

iii. key management personnel

b) An entity is related to a reporting entity if any of the following conditions applies

i. members of the same group

ii. an associate* or joint venture* of the other entity

iii. joint ventures* of the same third party

iv. one associate + one JV

v. post-employment benefit plan

vi. 公司掌握在 a)的个人手中

2) 非关联方 Not related parties

a) Two entities have key management personnel in common,即在 A 公司做 ED,又在 B 公司做 NED,或者对 C 公司有重大影响

b) A 和 B 公司合资组建 C 公司

c) Providers of finance

d) Trade unions 工会

e) Public utilities 公共事业单位

f) Departments and agencies of a government、

g) 其他:customer, supplier, franchisor, distributor, or general agent

3) 披露要求:

a) Name of its parent 母公司和 the ultimate controlling party zui终控制方,不管是否有交易

b) key management personnel compensation 给高管的薪酬结构

c) Related party transactions 关联方交易(这里不包括 intragroup tras):关系,应收应付,佣金,坏账,doubtful debt

d) Government-related entity 可以豁免 exemption is available from full disclosure


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