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ACCA考试Staff development 员工发展指哪些内容?

对于学员来说,要想较好的理解一些课程的内容,避免不了就是资料的查找、总结与学习。ACCA考试的内容很多,学员要想更好的掌握也不算是一件较为简单的事情,ACCA考试Staff development 员工发展指哪些内容?


Modern thinking tends to emphasise human resource development as investment in a key element of strategic capability – the workforce. It can link to strategy in a number of ways: 现代思维倾向于强调人力资源的开发是投资的关键战略能力–劳动力。它可以从这些方面链接到战略:

1) Strategy as design emphasises management’s responsibility for identifying any gaps in skills or changes that require investment in staff 战略设计强调了管理层的职责是辨析员工技能与商业变化的差距,需要在员工身上投资。

2) Strategy as experience puts more emphasis on individuals recognising any gaps in skills and capabilities and taking steps to resolve them through discussion or development of new methods 战略经验更强调个人技能和能力与实际需求的差距,需要采取步骤来解决,通过讨论或开发新办法。

3) Strategy as ideas will see the need for the workforce to be highly trained and capable to generate necessary ideas, but the training may be unstructured 战略思路则看到了劳动力训练有素的必要性,需要他们有必要的思想,但训练可能是非结构化的。

Organisations may also practice succession planning which is the systematic identification of talent at all levels. Using formal training, assignments and other forms of development, they can develop a pool of talent ready to move into senior management. 组织也可以实行继任计划,这是对各级人才的系统识别。通过正式的培训、分派任务和其他形式的发展,可以开发出一个准备好进入高 级管理层的人才库。

了解了ACCA考试的内容,学员必须 要认真的学习与掌握才可以。现在处于ACCA考试的冲刺阶段,学员不能忘记ACCA考前模拟。

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转载声明:本篇内容来自融跃教育官网,地址:http://www.rongyuejiaoyu.com/ACCA/article/32044.html 本站文章转载需注明来源!如有侵权请立即与我们联系(rongyuejiaoyu),我们将及时处理!



