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Estimate the credit spread是ACCA考试的内容吗?怎么去学习?

大家都知道,ACCA考试中的内容有很多,学员要想完全掌握课程的内容并不是很容易。因此找到适合自己的课程学习很是关键。ACCA知识点的学习是帮助学员更好理解课程的关键,Estimate the credit spread是ACCA考试的内容吗?怎么去学习?


掌握ACCA课程的内容,是帮助学员更好理解课程的关键。因此在学习课程的时候,学员可能会遇见这样那样的问题,重视课程的学习质量很必要。因此建议学员能够在备考的时候,有好的学习资料,网课是学员学习的基础,同时教材也是很关键的内容。Estimate the credit spread是ACCA P4的知识点内容,掌握其相关的内容,对于考试很有必要。


The cost of a bond will depend on two factors:

1. The risk free rate derived from the yield curve for a bond of that specified duration 从一个指定时间的债券的收益率曲线得到无风险利率

The yield curve shows how the yield on government bonds vary according to the term of the borrowing.



Normally it is upward sloping.向上陡坡 There are a number of explanations of the yield curve; these are not competing explanations, and at any one time all may be influencing the shape of the yield curve.

对于收益率曲线的形状,有很多解释,这些解释互不冲突,任何时候任一因素都会影响 yield curve 的形状。

1) Expectations theory 预期理论 – the curve reflects expectations that interest rates will rise in the future, so the government has to offer higher returns on long-term debt.

2) Liquidity preference theory 流动性偏好理论– the curve reflects the compensation that investors require higher returns for sacrificing liquidity on long-dated bonds.

3) Market segmentation theory 市场分割理论 – short-dated bonds tend to be more popular with banks and long-dated bonds are more popular with pension funds. If demand for bonds is higher in one of these markets the government can offer lower returns.


2. The credit risk premium – derived from the bond’s credit rating 根据信用评级来,一般题目会告知Cost of debt capital = (1 – tax rate)*(risk free rate +credit spread)

ACCA P阶段课程难度升级加大,学员在学习起来有一定的难度,要想有好的学习效果,学员必须要知道,怎么去学习,怎么去掌握知识点。ACCA知识点是帮助学员理解考试大纲的内容,也是考试中必不可少的知识运用。

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