2022年CFA二级考试Fixed Income固定收益科目变化如何?

2022年CFA二级考试Fixed Income固定收益科目变化如何?备考2022年CFA二级考试相比较2021年考纲来说的,备考2022年CFA考试的考生看过来。跟着一起看看这个科目的变化!

在2022年这个科目主要是学习Reading 28-32 知识,主要内容是怎样的?跟着小编一起看看!

Reading 28 The Term Structure and Interest Rate Dynamics

Reading 29 The Arbitrage-Free Valuation Framework

Reading 30 Valuation and Analysis of Bonds with Embedded Options

Reading 31 Credit Analysis Models

Reading 32 Credit Default Swaps

知道了章节内容,那这个知识如何变化的?跟着小编看看具体的内容,主要变化是在Reading 28!READING 28. The Term Structure and Interest Rate Dynamics



b) describe the forward pricing and forward rate models and calculate forward and spot prices and rates using those models;删除

h) h describe the Z-spread;删除

i)  describe the TED and Libor–OIS spreads;删除

k)describe modern term structure models and how they are used;位置变化


新增g条款为describe short-term interest rate spreads used to gauge economy-wide credit risk and liquidity risk;

新增K条款为explain how key economic factors are used to establish a view on benchmark rates, spreads, and yield curve changes.

