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怎么理解ACCA考试中Organisational Configuration 组织架构的内容?

对于ACCA学员来说,要想更好的掌握ACCA考试知识,需要学员认真的备考,掌握基础的财会知识是关键。ACCA考试中的知识点有很多,怎么学习也很关键。那么,怎么理解ACCA考试中Organisational Configuration 组织架构的内容?

Organisational Configuration是ACCA考试中必然会考到的一个内容,学员在学习过程中不仅要记忆,还要学会把学到的东西加以利用。Organisational configuration is a term used by JSW to refer to 组织架构包括 3 部分:



1. Organisational structure

2. Processes

3. Relationships

1) Organisational structure: 关于谁负责什么?和谁与谁交流/汇报?Who is responsible for what and who communicates with whom?具体有很多种结构:

a) Simple/Entrepreneurial 又称宙斯

b) Divisional/holding company 子公司/母公司

The organisation is divided into semi-autonomousunits, based on geography, product or market. In a holding company structure, these divisions are separate legal entities. The previous discussion of parent/SBU

relationships is relevant here. 公司规模逐渐变大,成立一个个分布,各自实现半自治,通常是以不同区域,产品或市场来分。他们可以是子公司-独立的法人实体。P3 之前讨论的母公司&SBU 就是指的这种架构。

c) Matrix structure 矩阵架构

Matrix type structures maintain coordination by co-working across functions, addressing some of the disadvantages of functional structures. This usually means some form of dual authority that can be complex and confusing and may make control more difficult.矩阵型结构注重协调,通过协同工作,解决某些功能结构的缺点。这通常意味着某种形式的双重权力,可能有些复杂和混乱,可能使控制更困难。

2) Processes- the way strategies are made, controlled and implemented 流程,即制定,控制和贯彻执行的方式. Certain control processes 的目的是为了确保公司以它该有的方式在运作。

3) Relationships – connections among people within the organisation and between those inside and outside it 组织内以及组织内外人员之间的联系。一个组织的结构有 2 种类型的关系:

a) Internal – degree of centralization 集权化 Centralisation refers to the level in the organisation’s structure at which decisions are taken. 集权是指在组织的哪种级别可以作出决定。

b) External – alliances, networks, flexible firm and virtual organisations 联盟,网络,灵活的公司形式和虚拟组织。公司正越来越多使用外部关系来实现战略。



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