价格: ¥ 13980.00
{in name="user_id" value="21644"} {/ in}课程试听 推荐
CH1 Introduction
1.Business organisations and their stakeholders
CH 2 Business organisations and their stakeholders 1
CH 2 Business organisations and their stakeholders 2
1.Financial department and its function
CH 3 Financial department and its function
CH4 Auditing1
CH4 Auditing2
1.Business analysis
CH5 Business analysis1
CH5 Business analysis2
1.Costing and pricing
CH6 Costing and price1
CH6 Costing and price2
CH7 Budgeting
CH8 Financing
CH9 Investing
CH10 Taxation
1.Hard skills and soft skills in workplace
CH11 Hard skills and soft skills
1.第一章 介绍
1 - 安装
2 - 前导
3 - 编写第一个程序-Hello World
4 - 随堂练习
5 - Python 中的函数
6 - 随堂练习
7 - 一个稍微复杂的程序示例-Chaos
8 - 随堂练习和第一章总结
2.第二章 编写简单的程序
1 - 示例程序——汇率换算
2 - 程序要素——名称
3 - 随堂练习
4 - 程序要素——表达式
5 - 程序要素——输出语句
6 - 程序要素——赋值语句
7 - 随堂练习
8 - 程序要素——确定循环
9 - 示例程序——计算终值
10 - 随堂练习
11 - 第二章总结
3.第三章 数值计算
1 - Python 中数值类型
2 - 类型的转换
3 - 随堂练习
4 - Python 中的 Math 库
5 - 原地运算
6 - 第三章总结
4.第四章 字符串
1 - 索引和切片
2 - 随堂练习
3 - 字符串的操作
4 - 示例程序——生成用户名
5 - 示例程序——月份缩写
6 - Python 中的列表
7 - 示例程序——月份缩写(升级版)
8 - 列表与字符串
9 - 随堂练习
10 - 字符串编码
11 - 示例程序——编码器
12 - 字符串方法
13 - 示例程序——编码器
14 - 长字符串
15 - 格式化输出
16 - 文件处理
17 - 示例程序——批处理
18 - 文件对话框
19 - 章节总结——第四章
5.第五章 定义函数
1 - 示例程序——生日歌
2 - 函数的定义和调用
3 - 定义多个参数的函数
4 - 有返回值的函数
5 - 修改参数的函数
6 - 默认参数
7 - 不定长参数
8 - 随堂练习
9 - 匿名函数
10 - 章节总结——第五章
6.第六章 条件结构
1 - 条件结构
2 - 示例程序——温度警告
3 - 条件判断语句
4 - 条件结构的类型
5 - 单路判断和两路判断
6 - 随堂练习
7 - 多路判断
8 - 随堂练习
9 - 处理多个条件
10 - 异常处理
11 - 三元表达式
12 - 章节总结——第六章
13 - 随堂练习
7.第七章 循环结构
1 - 确定循环
2 - while 语句
3 - 交互式循环
4 - 哨兵循环
5 - 文件循环
6 - 嵌套循环
7 - 随堂练习
8 - break 和 continue 语句
9 - 章节总结——第七章
8.第八章 模拟与设计
1 - 随机数
2 - 示例程序——计算圆周率
3 - 示例程序——壁球游戏
9.第二十三章 获取金融数据
1 - tushare
2 - pandas-datareader
1. python编程高级语法、实战技巧讲解
1 - 文件和文件夹的处理
1.Part B The financial reporting framework
Chapter 1 The conceptual framework for financial reporting
2.Part C Reporting the financial performance of a range of entities
Chapter 2 IAS 16 Property Plant and Equipment
Chapter 3 IAS 40 Investment Property
Chapter 4 IAS 38 Intangible Assets
Chapter 5 IAS 36 Impairment of assets
Chapter 6 IAS 2 Inventories
Chapter 7 IAS 41 Agriculture
Chapter 8 IFRS 13 Fair value measurement
Chapter 9 IAS 20 Government Grants
Chapter 10 IAS 23 Borrowing Costs
Chapter 11 IAS 37 Provision,Contingent liabilities&Contingent asset
Chapter 12 IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period
Chapter 13 IAS 12 Income tax
Chapter 14 IFRS 16 Lease
Chapter 15 IAS 19 Employee Benefits
Chapter 16 Financial instruments
Chapter 17 Revenue from contracts with customers
Chapter 18 IFRS 2 Share-based payment
Chapter 19 Non-current assets held for sale&Discontinued operation
Chapter 20 IAS 8 Accounting policies,changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
3.Part D Financial statements of groups of entities
Chapter 21 IAS 21 Foreign transcations and entities
Chapter 22 Basic groups
Chapter 23 IAS 28 associate
Chapter 24 IFRS 11 Joint arrangements
Chapter 25 Changes in group structures: Step acquisitions
Chapter 26 Changes in group structures:Disposals and group reorganisations
Chapter 27 IAS 21 Foreign Subsidiary
Chapter 28 Group statement of cash flows
4.Part A Fundmental ethical and professional principles
Chapter 29 Professional and ethics duty of the accountant
5.Part D Financial statements of groups of entities
Chapter 30 IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures
Chapter 31 IFRS8 Segment Reporting
6.Part E Interpret financial statements for different stakeholders
Chapter 32 IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting
Chapter 33&34 Interpreting financial statements for different stakeholders
7.Part F The impact of changes and potential changes in accounting regulation
Chapter 35 The impact of changes and potential changes in accounting regulation
9.Part F The impact of changes in accounting regulation
Chapter 31-Current issue
10.Part E Interpreting financial statements for different stakeholders
Chapter 30-Interpretation of Financial Statements
11.Part A Fundamental ethical and professional principles
Chapter 29-Ethics
12.Part D Financial statements of group of entities
Chapter 28-Presentation of Financial Statements
Chapter 27 IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows
Chapter 26 IAS 21 The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
Chapter 25 IFRS 5 NCA held for sale and discontinued operations
Chapter 24 Changes in group structures
Chapter 23 IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements
Chapter 22 IAS 28 Investment in Associate & Joint ventures
Chapter 21 IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements
Chapter 20 IFRS 3 Business Combination
13.Part C Repotring the financial performance of a range of entries
Chapter 2 IAS 8 Accounting policies, Changes in Accounting estimates and Errors
Chapter 3 IAS 2 Inventory
Chapter 4 IAS 41 Agriculture
Chapter 5 IFRS 13 Fair value measurement
Chapter 6 IAS 16 Property,Plant and Equipment
Chapter 7 IAS 40 Investment property
Chapter 8 IAS 38 Intangible Assets
Chapter 9 IAS 36 Impairment of asset
Chapter 10 IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent liabilities and Contingent assets
Chapter 11 IAS 10 Events after reporting period
Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Lease
Chapter 13 Financial instruments
Chapter 14 IAS 19 Employment benefits
Chapter 15 IFRS 2 Share-based payment
Chapter 16 IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
Chapter 17 IAS 20 Government grant
Chapter 18 IAS 23 Borrowing costs
Chapter 19 IAS 12 Income tax
14.Part B The financial reporting framework
Chapter 1 The Conceptual Framework
ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段
Chapter 1 The conceptual framework
Chapter 2 Business combinations
Chapter 3 IAS 2 Inventories&Chapter 4 IAS 16 PPE
Chapter 5 IAS 38 Intangible Assets
Chapter 6 IAS 40 &Chapter 7 IAS 41 &Chapter 8 IFRS 13
Chapter 9 IAS 36 Impairment of Assets
Chapter 10 IAS 37 Provisions,Contingent liabilities and Contingent assets
Chapter 11 IFRS 16&Chapter 12 IAS 19
Chapter 13 Financial Instrument
Chapter 14 IFRS 15 &Chapter 15 IAS 20
Chapter 16 IFRS 2 &Chapter 17 IAS 23
Chapter 18 IAS 2 &Chapter19 IAS 33&Chapter 20 IAS 10 &Chapter 21 IAS 8
Chapter 22 IAS 24 &Chapter 23 IFRS 5 &Chapter 24 IFRS 8 &Chapter25 IAS 34
Chapter 26 Accounting for business combinations and consolidations&Chapter 27 IAS 21
Chapter 28 IAS7 SOCFs&Chapter 29 IFRS 1&Chapter 30 IFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities&Chapter 31 Better communication in Financial Reporting
Chapter 32 Interpret F/S for different stakeholders&Chapter 33 Ethics
考试基本情况和Exam tips
Q1 合并题应试汇总
Q2 道德
Q3/Q4 理论
1.SBR 考前密押
SBR 考前密押卷
SBR Section A
SBR Section B
1.Strategic Business Reporting
Professional skills
2.Part A leadership
Chapter 1 Strategy, leadership and culture
Chapter 2 Ethical codes and the public interest
3.Part B Governance
Chapter 3 Corporate governance
Chapter 4 Public sector and NGO
Part B 真题讲解
4.Part C Strategy
Chapter 5 The external environment
Chapter 6 Strategic capability
Chapter 7 Competitive advantage and strategic choice
Part C 真题讲解
5.Part D Risk
Chapter 8 Assessing and managing risk
6.Part E Organisational control and audit
Chapter 9 Internal control systems
Part D-E 真题讲解
7.Part F Finance in planning and decision making
Chapter 10 Financial analysis
Part F 真题讲解
8.Part G Technology and data analysis
Chapter 11 Application of IT
Chapter 12 E-business
Part G 真题讲解
9.Part H Innovation, performance excellence and change management
Chapter 13 Enabling success
Chapter 14 Strategic change
Chapter 15 Project Management
PartH 真题讲解
Specimen 2(样卷2)
ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段
1.Strategic Business Leader
Professional Marks
2.Part A Investment appraisal
0-Part A Introduction
1-NPV Format
2-Oversea investment
3-APV format
4.1-Real option-BSOP
4.2-Real option -Delta
4.3-Real option-Greeks
4.4-Real option-real option prcing
5-Other investment appraisal format
6-Capital rationing
3.Part B Financing
0-Part B Introduction
1-Source of financing
2-Considerations when choosing source of finance
4.Part C Merger and acquisition
0-Part C Introduction
1- M&A additional value
2&3-Cnsideration calculation&Max Consideration and max premium
4-valuation of equity
5-Discussion ablout M&A
5.Part D Reconstruction
0&1-Part C Introduction&Credit agencies
2-Business reconstruction and finance reconstruction
3-Impact of reconstruction
6.Part E Risk management
1-Discussions ablout risk management
2-Interest risk management
3-Exchage rate risk management
7.Part F Dividend
1 Dividends irrelevant theory
2 Dividends policy analysis
3 Dividend capacity=FCFE
4 Ethical issues
8.PartG Performance evaluating
PartG Performance evaluating
9.PartH Current issues
PartH Current issues
ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段
1.Advanced Financial Management
ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段
2.Part A Treasury and advanced risk management techniques
Chapter 1 Interest risk management
Chapter 2 Exchange rate risk management
3.PART B Advanced investment appraisal
Chapter 3 Investment appraisal approach
Chapter 4 International investment appraisal
Chapter 5 APV
Chapter 6 Oversea APV
4.PART C Option price
Chapter 7 Basic option price
Chapter 8 Real option pricing
Chapter 9 Equity valuation based BSOP
5.PART D Financing
Chapter 10 Source of financing
Chapter 11 Value of bond
Chapter 12 Value of Equity
Chapter 13 Cost of capital
6.PART E Acquisition and mergers
Chapter 14 Discussion about M&A
Chapter 15 Merger additional value
7.PAET F Corporate reconstruction and re-organisation
Chapter 16 Reconstruction impacts on financial statements
8.PART G Role of senior financial adviser in the multinational organisation
Chapter 17 Dividends policy
Chapter 18 Performance evaluating
Chapter 19 Role of senior financial adviser
1.Chapter 1 Strategic Management Accounting
1-1 Strategic Management Accounting
2.Chapter 2 Performance Hierarchy
2-1 Performance Hierarchy
3.Chapter 3 Performance Management and control
3-1 Budgeting
3-2 Variance analysis
3-3 Learning curve&controllability
4.Chapter 4 Changes in business structure and MA
4-1 Business structure and information needs
4-2 Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
4-3 Business integration
5.Chapter 5 Environmental and ethical issues
5-1 Stakeholder analysis
5-2 Environmental management accounting
6.Chapter 6 External influence
6-1 Risk and uncertainty
6-2 External influence
7.Chapter 7 MIS and Management reports
7-1 MIS
7-2 Lean MIS
7-3 New development in MIS
7-4 Benchmarking
7-5 Management report
8.Chapter 8 Financial and Non-financial analysis
8-1 Financial analysis
8-2 Divisional Performance
8-3 Transfer pricing
8-4 Performance Management In NFPO
8-5 Performance management and appraisal
9.Chapter 9 Views of PM
9-1 Alternative views of PM
9-2 Corporate failure
10.Professional skills
Professional skills
ACCA官网机考操作 P阶段
1.APM 考前密押
APM 考前密押卷
APM Section A
APM Section B
1.Advanced Performance Management
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