CMA考试需要考生有相关的从业经验资格Experience Qualification),对于从业资格要求的工作经验有多少的时间呢?今天我们从官网上了解下这个情况!

Candidates for the CMA Certification must complete two continuous years of professional experience in management accounting and/or financial management.

This requirement may be completed prior to or within seven years of passing the examination. Teaching qualifies as related professional experience when it is full-time

and at least 60% of the course load taught is accounting or finance above the principles level over a two-year period. Professional experience is expected to be gained in full-

time employment. However, continuous part-time positions of 20 hours per week meeting the definition of qualified experience will count toward this requirement at a rate of one year of experience for every two years of part-time employment.

欲取得注册管理会计师认证的考生必须在管理会计和/或财务管理领域具有连续两年的专业工作经验。您可在通过考试之前或通过考试后的 7 年内达到该要求。

如果是教师,全职教授两年且教授的课程至少 60%为入门级以上的会计和企业财务管理类课程,则视为符合该项要求。但是,如果连续在兼职岗位上每周完成 20 小时的相关领域的工作量,则每两年的兼职工作经验可算作一年全职工作经验。