


一、职业道德(Study Session 1-3

新增的Study Session 3,共包括2个章节,分别为:

Reading 5. Overview of the Asset Management Industry and Portfolio Management

Reading 6. Professionalism in Investment Management

Study Session 1和2中,没有实质性变化,只有措辞的些微改变:

将“the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct”改为“the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct”或“the Code and Standards”

二、资产配置(Study Session 9-10

Study Session 9中的Reading 18(原Reading 16)删除一条考纲:

Reading 18. Introduction to Asset Allocation

Study Session 10删除一整章:

原Reading 20. Market Indexes and Benchmarks整章删除

三、固定收益组合管理(Study Session11-12

Study Session 11无变化

Study Session 12中的Reading 24(原Reading23)新增2条考纲:

Reading 24. Yield Curve Strategies

四、权益组合权利(Study Session 13-14


修改后的Study Session 13-14,包括4个章节,分别为:

Reading 26. Introduction to Equity Portfolio Management

Reading 27. Passive Equity Investing

Reading 28. Active Equity Investing: Strategies

Reading 29. Active Equity Investing: Portfolio Construction

五、交易(Study Session 18

Session的名称改变,从“Trading,Monitoring and Rebalancing”修改为“Trading”

Study Session 189(原Session 16)中删除一整章, 原Reading 32 Monitoring and Rebalancing整章删除


原有的一个reading被替换为*的4个reading,在保留经典知识点之外,整体内容被大幅度扩充及细化;另外,与去年固定收益的更新思路一致,都更加强调active investing
