


The price of a forward contract most likely:

Adecreases as the price of the underlying goes up.

Bis constant and set as part of the contract specifications.

Cincreases as market risk increases.

Answer B




B is correct.The price of a forward contract remains constant throughout the life of the contract.It is set as part of the contract specifications.

A is incorrect.The price of a forward contract is not affected by market conditions.It is set as part of the contract specifications.

C is incorrect.The price of a forward contract is not affected by market conditions.It is set as part of the contract specifications.

The factor least likely to influence the yield spread on an option-free,fixed-rate bond is a change in the:

Acredit risk of the issuer.

Bexpected inflation rate.

Cliquidity of the bond.

Answer B


B is correct.For an option-free,fixed-rate bond,changes in the yield spread can arise from changes in the credit risk of the issuer and/or changes in the liquidity of the issue.Changes in the expected inflation rate influence the benchmark rate.

C is incorrect because changes in the yield spread an option-free,fixed-rate bond arise from changes in the liquidity of the issue.

A is incorrect because changes in the yield spread an option-free,fixed-rate bond arise from changes in the credit risk of the issuer.



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