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课程简介: ACCA精讲班,由融跃教育菁英教师团队打造而成,课程主要通过对基础知识的串联讲解,帮助学员梳理知识,掌握知识架构。搭配在线题库,进一步巩固夯实学习知识,助力ACCA学员备考。





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课程试听 推荐

  • ACCA精品视频题库(F阶段全科)
  • ACCA精品视频题库(P阶段全科)
  • ACCA-BT精讲班
  • ACCA-SBL精讲班
  • ACCA-AFM精讲班
  • ACCA-MA精讲班
  • ACCA-FA精讲班
  • ACCA-LW精讲班
  • ACCA-PM精讲班
  • ACCA-FR精讲班
  • ACCA-AA精讲班
  • ACCA-FM精讲班
  • ACCA-SBR精讲班
  • ACCA-APM精讲班
  • ACCA-TX精讲班


  • 1.0.Introduction

    • 0.Introduction

  • 2.Chapter 1 Business organisations and their stakeholders

    • 1-1 Purpose of business organisations & Types of business organisation

    • 1-2 Stakeholders

  • 3.Chapter 2 External environment

    • 2-1 Analysing the business environment & The political factors & Legal factors

    • 2-2 Social and cultural factors & Technological factors & Environmental (Ecological) factors & Sustainability

    • 2-3 Business analysis models

  • 4.Chapter 3 The macro economic environment

    • 3-1 Define macro-economics & Impact of economic issues-1

    • 3-2 Impact of economic issues-2 & Government policies for managing the economy

  • 5.Chapter 4 Micro-economic factors

    • 4-1 Definition of micro-economics & Utility & Demand-1

    • 4-2 Demand-2

    • 4-3 Supply & Equilibrium price & Types of markets

  • 6.Chapter 5 Business organisational structure

    • 5-1 Anthony hierarchy & Basic organisational structure concepts

    • 5-2 Types of business organisational structure

  • 7.Chapter 6 Function of main departments and organisational culture

    • 6-1 Organisational departments and functions-1

    • 6-2 Organisational departments and functions-2

    • 6-3 Culture

  • 8.Chapter 7 Committees

    • 7-1 Definition and purpose of committees & Different types and main roles & Advantages and disadvant

  • 9.Chapter 8 Governance in business organisations

    • 8-1 Definition of corporate governance & Separation of ownership and control

    • 8-2 Solution to agency problem

    • 8-3 Internal control system

    • 8-3 Internal auditor

    • 8-4 Features of goodpoor corporate governance & Regulation on corporate governance

    • 8-5 Corporate social responsibility

  • 10.Chapter 9 The role of accounting

    • 9-1 The accounting function

    • 9-2 The regulatory system & Financial systems-1

    • 9-3 Financial systems-2

    • 9-4 Accounting system

    • 9-5 Databases and spreadsheets

  • 11.Chapter 10 Control, security and audit

    • 10-1 Cyber risk, cyber-attack and cyber security & Controls into an information system-1

    • 10-2 Controls into an information system-2

    • 10-3 Financial technology (Fintech)-1

    • 10-4 Financial technology (Fintech)-2

  • 12.Chapter 11 Identifying and preventing fraud

    • 11-1 What is fraud-1

    • 11-2 What is fraud-2

    • 11-3 Potential for fraud & Other fraud risk assessment factors

    • 11-4 Implication of fraud for the organisation

    • 11-5 Responsibility for detecting and preventing fraud & How to detect and prevent fraud

    • 11-6 Money Laundering

  • 13.Chapter 12 Leading and managing

    • 12-1 Leadership versus Management & Terms in management

    • 12-2 Development of management and leadership theory-1

    • 12-3 Development of management and leadership theory-2

    • 12-4 Leadership-1

    • 12-5 Leadership-2

  • 14.Chapter 13 Individuals, groups and teams

    • 13-1 Individuals-1

    • 13-2 Individuals-2 & Groups

    • 13-3 Teams & Team member roles

    • 13-4 Team development

  • 15.Chapter 14 Motivating individuals and groups

    • 14-1 Overview of motivation & Theories of motivation-1

    • 14-2 Theories of motivation-2

    • 14-3 Choosing a motivational approach & Rewards and incentives & Pay and remuneration-1

    • 14-4 Pay and remuneration-2

  • 16.Chapter 15 Training and development

    • 15-1 The learning process-1

    • 15-2 The learning process-2 & Training and development

    • 15-3 Training methods

    • 15-4 Evaluating training programmes & Development

  • 17.Chapter 16 Performance appraisal

    • 16-1 Performance management

    • 16-2 The purpose of performance appraisal

    • 16-3 The process of performance appraisal-1

    • 16-4 The process of performance appraisal-2 & Barriers to effective appraisal

  • 18.Chapter 17 Personal effectiveness and communication

    • 17-1 Personal effectiveness

    • 17-2 Personal development-1

    • 17-3 Personal development-2 & Conflict and conflict resolution-1

    • 17-4 Conflict and conflict resolution-2

    • 17-5 Communication in the workplace-1

    • 17-6 Communication in the workplace-2 & Effective communication

    • 17-7 Barriers to effective communication & Information

  • 19.Chapter 18 Ethical considerations

    • 18-1 What are ethics?

    • 18-2 Organisational ethics

    • 18-3 Regulatory and professional bodies

    • 18-4 ACCA code of ethics

    • 18-5 Ethical threats


  • 1.基础班

    • Chapter1-1 introduction

    • Chapter1-2 professional skill

    • Chapter1-3 Strategy, leadership and culture

    • Chapter1-4 Stakeholders and social responsibility

    • Chapter1-5 Impact of corporate governance on strategy-1

    • Chapter1-5 Impact of corporate governance on strategy-2

    • Chapter2-1 The external environment

    • Chapter2-2 Strategic capability

    • Chapter2-3 Competitive advantage and strategic choice-1

    • Chapter2-3 Competitive advantage and strategic choice-2

    • Chapter2-3 Competitive advantage and strategic choice-3

    • Chapter3-1 Assessing and managing risk

    • Chapter3-2 Internal control system-1

    • Chapter3-2 Internal control system-2

    • Chapter3-3 Applying ethical principles

    • Chapter4-1 Financial analysis-1

    • Chapter4-1 Financial analysis-2

    • Chapter4-2 Application of IT-1

    • Chapter 4-2 Application of IT-2

    • Chapter4-3 E-business-1

    • Chapter4-3 E-business-2

    • Chapter5-1 Enabling success and strategic change-1

    • Chapter5-1 Enabling success and strategic change-2

    • Chapter5-2 Process redesign

    • Chapter5-3 Project management

    • Summary-1 Ansoff matrix

    • Summary-2 Diamond

    • Summary-3 Method of development

    • Summary-4 6I

    • Summary-5 Project management

    • Summary-6 IR


  • 1. Introduction

    • Introduction

    • Professional Marks

  • 2.Part A Investment appraisal

    • 00 Part A Introduction

    • 01 NPV format

    • 02 Relavant CF

    • 03 CA and Tax

    • 04 Investment in WC

    • 05 Discussion about investment appraisal

    • 01 oversea NPV format

    • 02 PPPT

    • 03 Addditional tax

    • 04 Discussion about international investment

    • 03 APV format

    • 01 Basicc option pricing-BSOP

    • 02 BSOP-practice

    • 03 BSOP-计算过程中的特殊情况

    • 04 BSOP-practice

    • 05 Limitation of the Black Scholes Model

    • 01 Delta hedging

    • 02 Delta-practice

    • 03 comment on delta hedging

    • 04 Real option-Greeks

    • 05 Real option-real option prcing

    • 01 Investment appraisal focus on profitability

    • 02 Investment appraisal focus on liquidity

    • 03 Investment appraisal focus on risk

    • 04 Discussing

    • 05 Capital rationing

  • 3.Part B Financing

    • 00 Part B Introduction

    • 01 Source of financing

    • 02 Considerations when choosing source of finance

    • 01 Cost of debts

    • 01 Cost of debts-practice

    • 02 Valuation

    • 03 Bond duration

    • 04 Modified duration and convexity

  • 4.Part C Merger and acquisition

    • 00 Part C Introduction

    • 01 M&A additional value

    • 02 Cnsideration calculation&Max Consideration and max premium

    • 01 Effcient market

    • 02 Asset valuation model

    • 03 Relative valuation model

    • 04 Flow valuation model

    • 05 BSOP method for valuation

    • 05 Discussion ablout M&A

  • 5.Part D Reconstruction

    • 00 Part C Introduction&Credit agencies

    • 02 Business reconstruction and finance reconstruction

    • 00 WACC复习

    • 01 Impact on WACCRisk adujsted WACC

    • 02 Impact on statement of financial position

    • 03 Impact on EPS and gearing

    • 04 Impact on stakeholder

  • 6.Part E Risk management

    • 01 Discussions ablout risk management

    • 01-FRA

    • 02 Future

    • 03 Option on futures

    • 04 Collar

    • 05 Swap

    • 00 types of risk

    • 01 Forward &02 Future

    • 03 Option on forward

    • 04 Option on future

    • 05 Netting

    • 06 Swaps

    • 07 Money market hedging

  • 7.Part F Dividend

    • 01 Dividends irrelevant theory

    • 02 Dividends policy analysis

    • 03 Dividend capacity=FCFE

    • 04 Ethical issues

  • 8.Part G Performance evaluating

    • 01 Performance evaluating

  • 9.Part H Current issues

    • 01 Current issues


  • 1.基础班

    • Introduction

    • Chapter 1 Accounting for management

    • Chapter 2 Data and information

    • Chapter 3 Presenting information

    • Chapter 4 Cost classification and behaviour-1

    • Chapter 4 Cost classification and behaviour-2

    • Chapter 5 Summarising and analysing data-1

    • Chapter 5 Summarising and analysing data-2

    • Chapter 5 Summarising and analysing data-3

    • Chapter 6 Forecasting-1

    • Chapter 6 Forecasting-2

    • Chapter 6 Forecasting-3

    • Chapter 6 Forecasting-4

    • Chapter 7 Accounting for materials-1

    • Chapter 7 Accounting for materials-2

    • Chapter 7 Accounting for materials-3

    • Chapter 7 Accounting for materials-4

    • Chapter 7 Accounting for materials-5

    • Chapter 8 Accounting for labour-1

    • Chapter 8 Accounting for labour-2

    • Chapter 9 Accounting for overhead-1

    • Chapter 9 Accounting for overhead-2

    • Chapter 10 Absorption and marginal costing-1

    • Chapter 10 Absorption and marginal costing-2

    • Chapter 11 Job, batch, process and service costing-1

    • Chapter 11 Job, batch, process and service costing-2

    • Chapter 11 Job, batch, process and service costing-3

    • Chapter 12 Alternative costing methods

    • Chapter 13 Budgeting-1

    • Chapter 13 Budgeting-2

    • Chapter 13 Budgeting-3

    • Chapter 13 Budgeting-4

    • Chapter 13 Budgeting-5

    • Chapter 13 Budgeting-6

    • Chapter 14 Project appraisal-1

    • Chapter 14 Project appraisal-2

    • Chapter 14 Project appraisal-3

    • Chapter 15 Variance analysis-1

    • Chapter 15 Variance analysis-2

    • Chapter 15 Variance analysis-3

    • Chapter 15 Variance analysis-4

    • Chapter 15 Variance analysis-5

    • Chapter 16 Performance measurement overview

    • Chapter 17 Financial performance measurement

    • Chapter 18 Non-financial performance measurement


  • 1.基础班

    • 0 Introduction

    • Chapter 1 Introduction to Accoutning(1)

    • Chapter 1 Introduction to Accoutning(2)

    • Chapter 1 Introduction to Accoutning(3)

    • Chapter 2 The Regulatory Framework

    • Chapter 3 The IASB’s Conceptual framework(1)

    • Chapter 3 The IASB’s Conceptual framework(2)

    • Chapter 3 The IASB’s Conceptual framework(3)

    • Chapter 4 The double-entry book-keeping(1)

    • Chapter 4 The double-entry book-keeping(2)

    • Chapter 4 The double-entry book-keeping(3)

    • Chapter 5 The accounting system(1)

    • Chapter 5 The accounting system(2)

    • Chapter 6 Trading and Sales tax(1)

    • Chapter 6 Trading and Sales tax(2)

    • Chapter 7 Inventory

    • Chapter 8 Tangible non-current assets(1)

    • Chapter 8 Tangible non-current assets(2)

    • Chapter 8 Tangible non-current assets(3)

    • Chapter 8 Tangible non-current assets(4)

    • Chapter 9 Intangible non-current assets

    • Chapter 10 Accruals and Prepayments

    • Chapter 12 Provisions and Contingencies

    • Chapter 11 Irrecoverable debts and Allowance

    • Chapter 13 Capital structure and Finance costs(1)

    • Chapter 13 Capital structure and Finance costs(2)

    • Chapter 13 Capital structure and Finance costs(3)

    • Chapter 14 Trial balance & Correction of errors

    • Chapter 15 Cash & Bank reconciliation

    • Chapter 16 Trade receivables and trade payables

    • Chapter 17 Preparation of financial statements for sole trader (1)

    • Chapter 17 Preparation of financial statements for sole trader (2)

    • Chapter 18 Preparation of financial statements for companies

    • Chapter 19 Events after the reporting period

    • Part F题目讲解-Shuswap Co

    • Part F题目讲解-Arthur Co

    • Chapter 20 Statement of cash flows(1)

    • Chapter 20 Statement of cash flows(2)

    • Chapter 20 Statement of cash flows(3)

    • Chapter20题目讲解-Emma Co

    • Chapter20题目讲解-Sioux Co

    • Chapter20题目讲解-Snowdrop Co

    • Chapter 21 Incomplete records

    • Chapter 22 Introduction to consolidated financial statements

    • Chapter 23 The consolidated statement of financial position(1)

    • Chapter 23 The consolidated statement of financial position(2)

    • Chapter 23 The consolidated statement of financial position(3)

    • Chapter 24 The consolidated statement of profit or loss

    • Part G题目讲解-Swing and Cat Co

    • Part G题目讲解-Black and Bury Co

    • Chapter 25 Interpretation of financial statements


  • 1.基础班

    • The Introduction of LW

    • Chapter 1 Law and the legal system(1)

    • Chapter 1 Law and the legal system(2)

    • Chapter 2 Sources of law(1)

    • Chapter 2 Sources of law(2)

    • Chapter 2 Sources of law(3)

    • Chapter 3-4 Formation of contract(1)

    • Chapter 3-4 Formation of contract(2)

    • Chapter 3-4 Formation of contract(3)

    • Chapter 3-4 Formation of contract(4)

    • Chapter 5 Content of contracts(1)

    • Chapter 5 Content of contracts(2)

    • Chapter 6 Breach of contract and remedies(1)

    • Chapter 6 Breach of contract and remedies(2)

    • Chapter 6 Breach of contract and remedies(3)

    • Chapter 7 The law of torts and professional negligence(1)

    • Chapter 7 The law of torts and professional negligence(2)

    • Chapter 8 Contract of employment(1)

    • Chapter 8 Contract of employment(2)

    • Chapter 9 Dismissal and redundancy

    • Chapter 10 Agency law

    • Chapter 11 Partnership

    • Chapter 12 Corporations and legal personality(1)

    • Chapter 12 Corporations and legal personality(2)

    • Chapter 13 Company formation

    • Chapter 14 Constitution of company(1)

    • Chapter 14 Constitution of company(2)

    • Chapter 15 Share capital(1)

    • Chapter 15 Share capital(2)

    • Chapter 16 Loan capital(1)

    • Chapter 16 Loan capital(2)

    • Chapter 17 Capital maintenance and dividend law(1)

    • Chapter 17 Capital maintenance and dividend law(2)

    • Chapter 18 Company directors(1)

    • Chapter 18 Company directors(2)

    • Chapter 19 Other company officer

    • Chapter 20 Company meetings and resolution

    • Chapter 21 Insolvency and administration(1)

    • Chapter 21 Insolvency and administration(2)

    • Chapter 22 Fraudulent and criminal behaviour


  • 1.基础班

    • F5-introduction

    • Lesson 1- Management actvities

    • Lesson 2- Accounting information

    • Lesson 3-Information systems

    • Lesson 4-Big data

    • Lesson 5-Absorption costing

    • Lesson 6-Marginal costing

    • Lesson 7-Activity based costing

    • Lesson 8-Target costing

    • Lesson 9-Life cycle costing

    • Lesson 10-Environmental accounting

    • Lesson 11-Throughput accounting-1

    • Lesson 11-Throughput accounting-2

    • Lesson 12-Limiting factor analysis-1

    • Lesson 12-Limiting factor analysis-2

    • Lesson 13-Throughput accounting&Limiting factor analysis计算总结

    • Lesson 14-CVP analysis-single product situation-1

    • Lesson 14-CVP analysis-single product situation-2

    • Lesson 15-CVP analysis-multi-product situation-1

    • Lesson 15-CVP analysis-multi-product situation-2

    • Lesson 16-Pricing decisions-1

    • Lesson 16-Pricing decisions-2

    • Lesson 16-Pricing decisions-3

    • Lesson 17-Relevant cost

    • Lesson 18- Short term decisions

    • Lesson 19-Risk and uncertainty-1

    • Lesson 19-Risk and uncertainty-2

    • Lesson 20-Quantitative techniques and standard cost-1

    • Lesson 20-Quantitative techniques and standard cost-2

    • Lesson 21-Budgetary systems and types of budget-1

    • Lesson 21-Budgetary systems and types of budget-2

    • Lesson 22-Variance analysis-1

    • Lesson 22-Variance analysis-2

    • Lesson 22-Variance analysis-3

    • Lesson 22-Variance analysis-4

    • Lesson 23-Performance measurement and control-1

    • Lesson 23-Performance measurement and control-2

    • Lesson 24-考前注意事项


  • 1.基础班

    • Chapter 0 introduction to FR-1(1)

    • Chapter 0 introduction to FR-1(2)

    • Chapter 1 the conceptual framework - 1(1)

    • Chapter 1 the conceptual framework - 1(2)

    • Chapter 1 the conceptual framework - 2

    • Chapter 1 the conceptual framework - 3(1)

    • Chapter 1 the conceptual framework - 3(2)

    • Chapter 1 the conceptual framework - 4

    • Chapter 2 the regulatory framework

    • Chapter 3.1 Tangible non-current assets - 1(1)

    • Chapter 3.1 Tangible non-current assets - 1(2)

    • Chapter 3.1 Tangible non-current assets - 2(1)

    • Chapter 3.1 Tangible non-current assets - 2(2)

    • Chapter 3.1 Tangible non-current assets - 3

    • Chapter 3.1 Tangible non-current assets - 4

    • Chapter 3.2 IAS40 Investment property - 1(1)

    • Chapter 3.2 IAS40 Investment property - 1(2)

    • Chapter 3.3 IAS23 Borrowing costs - 1(1)

    • Chapter 3.3 IAS23 Borrowing costs - 1(2)

    • Chapter 4 IAS38 Intangible assets - 1(1)

    • Chapter 4 IAS38 Intangible assets - 1(2)

    • Chapter 4 IAS38 Intangible assets - 1(3)

    • Chapter 5 Impairment of assets - 1(1)

    • Chapter 5 Impairment of assets - 1(2)

    • Chapter 5 Impairment of assets - 2

    • Chapter 6.1 IFRS 15 revenue from contract with customers - 1

    • Chapter 6.1 IFRS 15 revenue from contract with customers - 2(1)

    • Chapter 6.1 IFRS 15 revenue from contract with customers - 2(2)

    • Chapter 6.1 IFRS 15 revenue from contract with customers - 2(3)

    • Chapter 6.1 IFRS 15 revenue from contract with customers - 3(1)

    • Chapter 6.1 IFRS 15 revenue from contract with customers - 3(2)

    • Chapter 6.1 IFRS 15 revenue from contract with customers -4(1)

    • Chapter 6.1 IFRS 15 revenue from contract with customers -4(2)

    • Chapter 6.2 IAS 20 Government grants

    • Chapter 7 Introduction to groups

    • Chapter 8 The consolidated statement of financial position - 1(1)

    • Chapter 8 The consolidated statement of financial position - 1(2)

    • Chapter 8 The consolidated statement of financial position - 2(1)

    • Chapter 8 The consolidated statement of financial position - 2(2)

    • Chapter 8 The consolidated statement of financial position - 3

    • Chapter 9 The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

    • Chapter 10 Accounting for associates

    • Chapter 11 Financial instruments - 1(1)

    • Chapter 11 Financial instruments - 1(2)

    • Chapter 11 Financial instruments - 2(1)

    • Chapter 11 Financial instruments - 2(2)

    • Chapter 11 Financial instruments - 2(3)

    • Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Leasing - 1

    • Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Leasing - 2(1)

    • Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Leasing - 2(2)

    • Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Leasing - 3(1)

    • Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Leasing - 3(2)

    • Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Leasing - 3(3)

    • Chapter 12 IFRS 16 Leasing - 4

    • Chapter 13 IAS 37 Provisions and IAS 10 Events after the reporting period - 1(1)

    • Chapter 13 IAS 37 Provisions and IAS 10 Events after the reporting period - 1(2)

    • Chapter 13 IAS 37 Provisions and IAS 10 Events after the reporting period - 2(1)

    • Chapter 13 IAS 37 Provisions and IAS 10 Events after the reporting period - 2(2)

    • Chapter 14 IAS 2 Inventory & IAS 41 Agriculture - 1(1)

    • Chapter 14 IAS 2 Inventory & IAS 41 Agriculture - 1(2)

    • Chapter 14 IAS 2 Inventory & IAS 41 Agriculture - 2

    • Chapter 15 Taxation - 1(1)

    • Chapter 15 Taxation - 1(2)

    • Chapter 15 Taxation - 2

    • Chapter 15 Taxation - 3(1)

    • Chapter 15 Taxation - 3(2)

    • Chapter 16 Presentation of published financial statements - 1

    • Chapter 16 Presentation of published financial statements - 2

    • Chapter 16 Presentation of published financial statements - 3

    • Chapter 17 Reporting financial performance - 1

    • Chapter 17 Reporting financial performance - 2

    • Chapter 17 Reporting financial performance - 3

    • Chapter 18 Earnings per share - 1(1)

    • Chapter 18 Earnings per share - 1(2)

    • Chapter 18 Earnings per share - 2

    • Chapter 19 Interpretation of financial statements - 1(1)

    • Chapter 19 Interpretation of financial statements - 1(2)

    • Chapter 19 Interpretation of financial statements - 2

    • Chapter 19 Interpretation of financial statements - 3(1)

    • Chapter 19 Interpretation of financial statements - 3(2)

    • Chapter 19 Interpretation of financial statements - 4(1)

    • Chapter 19 Interpretation of financial statements - 4(2)

    • Chapter 20 Limitations of financial statements and interpretation techniques

    • Chapter 21 statement of cash flow - 1(1)

    • Chapter 21 statement of cash flow - 1(2)

    • Chapter 21 statement of cash flow - 2

    • Chapter 21 statement of cash flow - 3

    • Chapter 22 Specialised, not-for-profit and public sector entities


  • 1.基础班

    • Chapter 0 Introduction-V

    • Chapter 1 Audit and Other Assurance Engagement

    • Chapter 2 Legal process and Regulation

    • Chapter 3 Corporate Goverance(1)

    • Chapter 3 Corporate Goverance(2)

    • Chapter 3 Corporate Goverance(3)

    • Chapter 4 Professional ethics and quality control procedures(1)

    • Chapter 4 Professional ethics and quality control procedures(2)

    • Chapter 4 Professional ethics and quality control procedures(3)

    • Chapter 4 Professional ethics and quality control procedures(4)

    • Chapter 4 Professional ethics and quality control procedures(5)

    • Chapter 4 Professional ethics and quality control procedures(6)

    • Chapter 5 Internal Audit

    • Chapter 6 Risk Assessement(1)

    • Chapter 6 Risk Assessement(2)

    • Chapter 7 audit planning and documentation(1)

    • Chapter 7 audit planning and documentation(2)

    • Chapter 7 audit planning and documentation(3)

    • Chapter 8 Introduction to Audit Evidence(1)

    • Chapter 8 Introduction to Audit Evidence(2)

    • Chapter 9 Internal control(1)

    • Chapter 9 Internal control(2)

    • Chapter 9 Internal control(3)

    • Chapter 9 Internal control(4)

    • Chapter 10 Types of internal control-sales cycle

    • Chapter 10 Types of internal control-Purchases cycle

    • Chapter 10 Types of internal control-Payroll-1

    • Chapter 10 Types of internal control-Payroll-2

    • Chapter 10 Types of internal control-Cash

    • Chapter 10 Types of internal control-Inventory

    • Chapter 10 Types of internal control-Non-current Asset

    • Chapter 11 Audit sampling(1)

    • Chapter 11 Audit sampling(2)

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Cash and bank-1

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Cash and bank-2

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Non-current assets-1

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Non-current assets-2

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Non-current assets-3

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Receivables and sales-1

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Receivables and sales-2

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Inventories-1

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Inventories-2

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Payables, accruals and purchases

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Provision and contingencies

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Payroll and directors’ emoluments-1

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Payroll and directors’ emoluments-2

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Accounting estimates

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Share issuance

    • Chapter 12 Substantive procedure-Bank loans

    • Chapter 13 Audit not-for- profit organizations and small organisations

    • Chapter 14 Audit Review And Finalization(1)

    • Chapter 14 Audit Review And Finalization(2)

    • Chapter 14 Audit Review And Finalization(3)

    • Chapter 15 Reports(1)

    • Chapter 15 Reports(2)

    • 套题讲解


  • 1.基础班

    • Introduciton

    • Chapter 1 Financial Management and Financial Objectives(1)

    • Chapter 1 Financial Management and Financial Objectives(2)

    • Chapter 2 The economic environment for business(1)

    • Chapter 2 The economic environment for business(2)

    • Chapter 3 Financial markets,moeny markets and institutions(1)

    • Chapter 3 Financial markets,moeny markets and institutions(2)

    • Chapter 3 Financial markets,moeny markets and institutions(3)

    • Chapter 4 General knowledge of working capital management(1)

    • Chapter 4 General knowledge of working capital management(2)

    • Chapter 4 General knowledge of working capital management(3)

    • Chapter 5 Management of working capital(1)

    • Chapter 5 Management of working capital(2)

    • Chapter 5 Management of working capital(3)

    • Chapter 5 Management of working capital(4)

    • Chapter 6 Working capital finance and investment

    • Chapter 7 General investment appraisal(1)

    • Chapter 7 General investment appraisal(2)

    • Chapter 7 General investment appraisal(3)

    • Chapter 8 Application of NPV(1)

    • Chapter 8 Application of NPV(2)

    • Chapter 8 Application of NPV(3)

    • Chapter 9 Specific investment appraisal(1)

    • Chapter 9 Specific investment appraisal(2)

    • Chapter 10 Risk and uncertainty(1)

    • Chapter 10 Risk and uncertainty(2)

    • Chapter 11 Sources of Finance(1)

    • Chapter 11 Sources of Finance(2)

    • Chapter 11 Sources of Finance(3)

    • Chapter 12 Cost of debt(1)

    • Chapter 12 Cost of debt(2)

    • Chapter 13 Cost of equity(1)

    • Chapter 13 Cost of equity(2)

    • Chapter 13 Cost of equity(3)

    • Chapter 14 Gearing and capital structure(1)

    • Chapter 14 Gearing and capital structure(2)

    • Chapter 15 Dividend policy(1)

    • Chapter 15 Dividend policy(2)

    • Chapter 16 Market efficiency

    • Chapter 17 Business valuation(1)

    • Chapter 17 Business valuation(2)

    • Chapter 17 Business valuation(3)

    • Chapter 18 Foreign currency risk management(1)

    • Chapter 18 Foreign currency risk management(2)

    • Chapter 18 Foreign currency risk management(3)

    • Chapter 18 Foreign currency risk management(4)

    • Chapter 18 Foreign currency risk management(5)

    • Chapter 19 Interest rate risk management(1)

    • Chapter 19 Interest rate risk management(2)

    • 机考操作-1

    • 机考操作-2


  • 1.基础班

    • introduction

    • 00 Chapter 0 Syllabus and study guide

    • 01 Chapter 1 objective and Qualitative characteristics

    • 02 Chapter 1 The elements of financial statements

    • 03 Chapter 1 Measurement bases

    • 01 Chapter 2 Initial measurement

    • 02 Chapter 2 Subsequent measurement

    • 03 Chapter 2 Revaluatoion model的补充1

    • 04 Chapter 2 Revaluation model 补充2

    • 01 Chapter 3 Investment property复习

    • 02 Chapter 3 Transfer and exercise

    • 01 Chapter 4 definition and recognition

    • 02 Chapter 4 measuremnet

    • 03 Chapter 4 example 1

    • 01 Chapter 5 impairment of assets基础知识

    • 02 Chapter 5 CGU

    • 01 Chapter 6 Inventories

    • 01 Chapter 7 IAS 41 Agriculture

    • 01 Chapter 8 IFRS 13 definition

    • 02 Chapter 8 Framework for measuring fair value

    • 03 Chapter 8 non-financial assets和总结

    • 01 Chapter 9 Government Grants

    • 01 Chapter 10 IAS 23 Borrowing Costs

    • 01 Chapter 11 IAS 37基本知识

    • 02 Chapter 11 Specific types of provision

    • 03 Chapter 11 example 1

    • 01 Chapter 12 IAS 10

    • 01 Chapter 13 current tax

    • 02 Chapter 13 deferred tax基本内容

    • 03 Chapter 13 deferred tax的计算

    • 04 Chapter 13 other temporary difference

    • 01 Chapter 14 recognition exemptions

    • 02 Chapter 14 lessee accounting基本介绍

    • 03 Chapter 14 lessee accounting计量

    • 04 Chapter 14 reassessment of lease liability

    • 05 Chapter 14 lessor accounting

    • 06 Chapter 14 sales and leaseback

    • 01 Chapter 15 Short term benefits

    • 02 Chapter 15 defined contribution plan

    • 03 Chapter 15 defined benefit plan介绍

    • 04 Chapter 15 past service cost and example

    • 05 Chapter 15 SOFP account-netted off

    • 01 Chapter 16 definition

    • 02 Chapter 16 Classification as liability vs equity

    • 03 Chapter 16 equity instruments

    • 04 Chapter 16 financial assets

    • 05 Chapter 16 金融资产其他内容

    • 06 Chapter 16 impairment of financial assets

    • 07 Chapter 16 presentation and example

    • 08 Chapter 16 financial liability

    • 09 Chapter 16 compound financial instruments

    • 10 Chapter 16 Hedged accounting

    • 11 Chapter 16 Example

    • 12 Chapter 16 cash flow hedges

    • 13 Chapter16 Discontinue of hedges

    • 14 Chapter16 Embedded derivative

    • 01 Chapter 17 step1--step 3

    • 02 Chapter 17 step 4--step 5

    • 03 Chapter 17 Specific guidance in IFRS 15

    • 01 Chapter 18 1. Definition of share-based payment

    • 02 Chapter 18 equity settled share-based payments

    • 03 Chapter 18 IFRS 2 其他内容

    • 01 Chapter 19 Non-current assets held for sale

    • 02 Chapter 19 Discontinued operation

    • 01 Chapter 20 IAS 8

    • 01 Chapter 21 IAS 21外币交易知识点

    • 02 Chapter 21 example

    • 01 Chapter 22 基本介绍

    • 02 Chapter 22 3. IFRS 3 Business Combinations

    • 03 Chapter 22 goodwill at DOA

    • 04 Chapter 22 goodwill impairments

    • 05 Chapter 22 Consolidated SOFP

    • 06 Chapter 22 Consolidated SOPL and OCI

    • 01 Chapter 23 IAS 28 associate

    • 01 Chapter 24 IFRS 11 Joint arrangements

    • 01 Chapter 25 investment to associate and investment to subsidiary

    • 02 Chapter 25 Associate to subsidiary

    • 03 Chapter 25 contro is retained

    • 01 Chapter 26 disposal crossing accounting boundary

    • 02 Chapter 26 Control is retained

    • 01 Chapter 27 资产负债表的折算

    • 02 Chapter 27 利润表的折算

    • 01 Chapter 28 1. Definitions and format

    • 02 Chapter 28 Dividend received from associate

    • 03 Chapter 28 cash flows on subsidiary and associate

    • 04 Chapter 28 exemple

    • 01 Chapter 29 ethics

    • 01 Chapter 30 IAS 24 理论内容

    • 02 Chapter 30 example

    • 01 Chapter 31 理论部分

    • 02 Chapter 31 example

    • 01 Chapter 32 IAS 34 中期财务报表

    • 01 Chapter 33 Interpreting 1

    • 01 chapter 34 IAS 34 Interpreting financial statements for different stakeholders 2

    • 01 Chapter 35 current issue


  • 1.基础班

    • Chapter 1 Strategic Management Accounting

    • Chapter 2 Performance Hierarchy

    • Chapter 3 Budgeting(1)

    • Chapter 3 Budgeting(2)

    • Chapter 3 Variance Analysis(1)

    • Chapter 3 Variance Analysis(2)

    • Chapter 3 Learning Curve& Controllability

    • Chapter 4 Business Structure-Functional Form

    • Chapter 4 Divisional Form &Network Organisation(1)

    • Chapter 4 Divisional Form &Network Organisation(2)

    • Chapter 4 Manufacturing And Service Business(1)

    • Chapter 4 Manufacturing And Service Business(2)

    • Chapter 4 Business Process Re-Engineering (Bpr)(1)

    • Chapter 4 Business Process Re-Engineering (Bpr)(2)

    • Chapter 4 Business Integration(1)

    • Chapter 4 Business Integration(2)

    • Chapter 5 Stakeholder analysis(1)

    • Chapter 5 Stakeholder analysis(2)

    • Chapter 5 Environmental management accounting(1)

    • Chapter 5 Environmental management accounting(2)

    • Chapter 6 Risk& Uncertainty(1)

    • Chapter 6 Risk& Uncertainty(2)

    • Chapter 6 Risk& Uncertainty(1)

    • Chapter 6 Risk& Uncertainty(2)

    • Chapter 7 External influence-PEST(1)

    • Chapter 7 External influence-PEST(2)

    • Chapter 7 Porter's five forces

    • Chapter 7 BCG& SWOT analysis(1)

    • Chapter 7 BCG& SWOT analysis(2)

    • Chapter 8 Management information system(1)

    • Chapter 8 Management information system(2)

    • Chapter 8 Management information system(3)

    • Chapter 8 Management information system(4)

    • Chapter 9 Lean management system

    • Chapter 9 Lean management system

    • Chapter 10 New development in MIS(1)

    • Chapter 10 New development in MIS(2)

    • Chapter 11 Benchmarking(1)

    • Chapter 11 Benchmarking(2)

    • Chapter 12 Management report(1)

    • Chapter 12 Management report(2)

    • Chapter 12 Management report(3)

    • Chapter 13 Financial analysis(1)

    • Chapter 13 Financial analysis(2)

    • Chapter 13 Financial analysis(3)

    • Chapter 13 Financial analysis(4)

    • Chapter 14 Divisional performance(1)

    • Chapter 14 Divisional performance(2)

    • Chapter 14 Transfer pricing(1)

    • Chapter 14 Transfer pricing(2)

    • Chapter 15 Non-financial performance indicator(1)

    • Chapter 15 Non-financial performance indicator(2)

    • Chapter 16 Performance management and appraisal(1)

    • Chapter 16 Performance management and appraisal(2)

    • Chapter 17 Alternative views of PM(1)

    • Chapter 17 Alternative views of PM(2)

    • Chapter 17 Alternative view of PM(3)

    • Chapter 18 Corporate failure(1)

    • Chapter 18 Corporate failure(2)


  • 1.Introduction

    • 0.Introduction

    • 0-Introduction

  • 2.Chapter 1 The Uk tax system

    • 1-1 The overall function and purpose of tax

    • 1-2 Types of tax

    • 1-3 Overall structure and UK tax system

    • 1-4 Sources of revenue law and practice

    • 1-5 Tax avoidance and tax evasion

    • 1-6 Ethical and professional approach

    • 1-7 Double taxation agreements

  • 3.Chapter 2 Outline of Income Tax

    • 2-1 The Uk resident

    • 2-2 Fiscal year (Tax year) & 3 Lay out of income tax computation

    • 2-4 Classification of income & 5 Qualifying Interest Paid (Deductible interest)

    • 2-6 Personal allowance (PA)

    • 2-7 Tax rate

    • 2-8 Gift aid donations (GAD) & Personal pension contribution(PPC)

    • 2-9 Spouse special arrangements

    • 2-10 Accrued income scheme

  • 4.Chapter 3 Trading Incomes

    • 3-1 The badges of trade

    • 3-2 Pro forma for tax adjusted trading profit

    • 3-3 Adjustment of expenditure

    • 3-4 Adjustment of income

    • 3-5 Cash basis for small business

  • 5.Chapter 4 Basis of Assessment

    • 4-1 Basis period & Tax year & 2.Basis period rule & 3.Tax year basis

  • 6.Chapter 5 Capital Allowances

    • 5-1 Defination of Capital allowance

    • 5-2 Classification of plant & machinery

    • 5-3 Allowance

  • 7.Chapter 6 Property Income

    • 6-1 Property bussiness income

    • 6-2 Rent a room relief

    • 6-3 Furnished holiday letting profit

  • 8.Chapter 7 Relief for Individual Trading Losses

    • 7-1 Trading profit assessment

    • 7-2 Trade loss relief against general income

    • 7-3 Carry forward trade loss relief

    • 7-4 Trade loss relief against capital gain & 5.Losses in the early years of a trade

    • 7-6 Terminal trade loss relief & 7.The choice between loss reliefs

  • 9.Chapter 8 Partnerships

    • 8-1 Assessment of partnerships to tax & 2.Change in membership of partnership & 3.Loss reliefs for p

  • 10.Chapter 9 Benefits

    • 9-1 General rule & 2.Living accommodation benefit

    • 9-3 Living expenses of living accommodation

    • 9-4 Company car and fuel benefit

    • 9-5 Beneficial loan

    • 9-6 Private use of employer's assets

    • 9-7 Other benefits & 8.Exmept benefits

  • 11.Chapter 10 Income from Employment

    • 10-1 Employment and self employment & 2.Basis of assessment for employment income

    • 10-3 Allowable deductions

    • 10-4 Statutory approved mileage allowances

    • 10-5 The PAYE system

  • 12.Chapter 11 National Insurance Contributions and Pension

    • 11-1 Scope of national insurance contribution

    • 11-2 Choice of business medium

    • 11-3 Types of pension scheme & 4.Tax relief rules for pension

    • 11-5 Annual allowance & 6.Lifetime allowance

  • 13.Chapter 12 Self-assessment Individuals

    • 12-1 Self-assessment system introduction & 2.Tax return

    • 12-3 Payment of income tax and CGT

    • 12-4 HMRC power

  • 14.Chapter 13 Outline of Corporation Tax

    • 13-1 Company Residence

    • 13-2 Accounting Period

    • 13-3 Layout of a corporation tax computation

    • 13-4 Tax rate

    • 13-5 Dividends income & 6.Long periods of account

  • 15.Chapter 14 Computing the Corporation Tax

    • 14-1 Trading income-1

    • 14-1 Trading income-2

    • 14-2 Property income

    • 14-3 Interest income & interest payable & 4.Miscellaneous income & 5.Qualifying Charitable Donation

  • 16.Chapter 15 Relief for Corporation Trading losses

    • 15-1 Carry forward trade loss relief & 2.Trade loss relief against total profit

    • 15-3 Terminal trade loss relief & 4.Factors influencing choice of loss relief & 5.Capital losses & 6

  • 17.Chapter 16 Group of Companies

    • 16-1 Assiciated companies(≥50%)& 2.75% subsidiaries (group relief group)

    • 16-3 Chargeable gain group

    • 16-4 Choice of business medium

  • 18.Chapter 17 Self-assessment:Companies

    • 17-1 Tax return

    • 17-2 Payment of corporation tax and interest.mp4

  • 19.Chapter 18 Chargeable gain:individual

    • 18-1 Chargeable persons, disposals and assets & 2.Computing a gain or loss

    • 18-3 The annual exempt amount

    • 18-4 Capital losses

    • 18-5 Transfers between spouses civil partners

    • 18-6 Part disposals

    • 18-7 The damage, loss or destruction of an asset

    • 18-8 Chattels

    • 18-9 Principal private residence relief (PPR)

    • 18-10 Business relief-1

    • 18-10 Business relief-2

    • 18-11 Shares and securities

  • 20.Chapter 19 Chargeable gain:companies

    • 19-1 Corporation tax on chargeable gains & 2.Indexation allowance

    • 19-3 Disposal of shares by companies

    • 19-4 Rollover relief & 5.Capital loss

  • 21.Chapter 20 Value added tax

    • 20-1 The principles of VAT

    • 20-2 Registration

    • 20-3 Deregistration

    • 20-4 Accounting for and administering VAT

    • 20-5 Calculation of VAT

    • 20-6 VAT invoices and records

    • 20-7 Penalties

    • 20-8 Special schemes

    • 20-9 Overseas aspects

  • 22.Chapter 21 Inheritance Tax

    • 21-1 Definition

    • 21-2 Rate of tax & 3.Taper relief

    • 21-4 Computation format

    • 21-5 Tax liability on death estate

    • 21-6 Payment of IHT & 7.Advantages of lifetime transfers

    • 21-8 Transfer of a spouse's unused nil rate band

    • 21-9 Basic inheritance tax planning

  • 23.sample paper

    • Section A Q1-15

    • Section B Q1

    • Section B Q2

    • Section B Q3-4

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  • 芳泽小娘子

    2020-10-30 16:12


  • 桂英酱

    2020-06-25 16:32


  • 吉失刺激

    2020-05-05 17:01


  • 澄志信

    2020-03-20 11:27










