capital outflow 表示CFA知识中的资本账户外流吗?


CFA考点六:target exchange rate
A country that maintains a target exchange rate is most likely to have which outcome when its inflation rate rises above the level of the inflation rate in the target country?

  A. An increase in short-term interest rates.

  B. An increase in the domestic money supply.

  C. An increase in its foreign currency reserves.

答案:A is correct. Interest rates are expected to rise to protect the exchange rate target.




CFA考点七:Trade restrictions

  A large country can:

  A benefit by imposing a tariff.

  B benefit with an export subsidy.

  C not benefit from any trade restriction.

答案:A is correct. By definition, a large country is big enough to affect the world price of its imports and exports. A large country can benefit by imposing a tariff if its terms of trade improve by enough to outweigh the welfare loss arising from inefficient allocation of resources.



Because of a sharp decline in real estate values, the household sector has increased the fraction of disposable income that it saves. If output and investment spending remain unchanged, which of the following is most likely correct?

  A A decrease in the government deficit.

  B A decrease in net exports and increased capital inflow.

  C An increase in net exports and increased capital outflow.

答案:C is correct. The fundamental relationship among saving, investment, the fiscal balance, and the trade balance is S=I+(G-T)+(X-M). Given the levels of output and investment spending, an increase in saving (reduction in consumption)must be offset by either an increase in the fiscal deficit is not one of the choices, so an increase in net exports and corresponding increase in net capital outflows (increased lending to foreigners and/or increased purchases of assets from foreigners) is the correct response.


而此题的capital outflow 表示CFA知识中的资本账户外流。进出口代表的是经常性账户,它和资本账户是此消彼长的关系。当进出口增加时,贸易盈余所产生的多余外汇就要到国外市场进行投资,所以资本账户资金外流,这便是net capital outflows。